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SCRABBLE FUNdraiser to celebrate CLC firsts
Posted on October 12, 2012.
The 2011 FUNdraiser champs were The Annihiletters, from left, Cyndi Long, Shelley Kraemer and Kelsey Kraemer.
By Pat Albee
Special to The Independent
The Collierville Literacy Council culminates a year of “firsts” with its 8th annual SCRABBLEFUNdraiser Tournament Nov. 11, from 1-4:30 p.m. at St. George’s Independent School, 1880 Wolf River Blvd, in Collierville.
The Collierville Literacy Council will celebrate its 25th year of service and its first year of accreditation by Proliteracy, an international literacy organization. The CLC is the only literacy organization in the Mid-South to achieve this status. The staff trains and works with more than 170 volunteer tutors in the spirit of the original founders and mission.
To promote literacy during its silver anniversary, the CLC sponsored the first “Collierville READS!” this summer. Residents were invited “to get on the same page” and learn about the tight-knit community of Guernsey as it was portrayed in The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society. Related events included book discussions, Collierville in WW2, a tea and pie party, victory garden tips, and letters to Guernsey.
The SCRABBLE FUNdraiser Tournament supports the CLC, its tutors, and students. Programs include Adult Basic Literacy, GED and English as a Learned Language. Over 530 students were assisted last year, including 130 GED graduates.
At the tournament, teams of three compete for prizes in three quick rounds of regulation play. The tournament traditionally draws as many as 150 players from age 10 to well past retirement.
They enjoy spirited competition along with snacks, t-shirts, and entertainment. Players may also bid at a silent auction for items that range from art to an autographed basketball. Clubs, neighbors, church groups, schools, families, business organizations and Scrabble fans are welcome.
Members of the Memphis Scrabble Club assist with expert advice. This year’s tournament will honor the memory of Mike Muller, Memphis Scrabble Club member, whose guidance and assistance were invaluable. A special prize for the highest scoring play will be given in his honor.
Registration for a team of three is $75 or $30 for an individual player. Teams that register before Oct. 26 become eligible for a chance to win “early bird” prizes. Sponsorships are available from $5,000 to $100.
For information and registration, call 854-0288 or go to