CBD formula

Where to buy CBD oil in collierville tn?

Questions & Answers

There are several places to buy CBD oil in Collierville, TN.

  • Modern Hemp Inc, which is located in 348 New Byhalia Rd #9a, Collierville.
  • Your CBD Store which is located in 910 W Poplar Ave Suite #2, Collierville.
  • Hemp2oh CBD Store, which is located in 3670 S Houston Levee Rd #104, Collierville.

It is also possible to find CBD products in stores located in Memphis.

Is CBD legal in Tennessee?

In Tennessee, CBD products are only legal with a prescription from a regulated pharmacy.
CBD edibles can be produced without a comprehensive regulatory body.
Currently, minors can walk through the doors of a retailer and legally purchase hemp or CBD, with any restriction is up to the vendor. But a bill being drafted would forbid the sale of any smokable hemp product to a minor under the age of 18.

What to check before you buy CBD products?

It is recommended to buy products imported from Europe because of the unclear regulations in the United States.
Check if the CBD product is certified organic or eco farmed?
Check if the products you buy have been laboratory tested by a batch to confirm tetrahydrocannabinol levels <0.3% and no pesticides or heavy metals?
Check if the company has an independent adverse event reporting program?
Do the CBD products meet one of the following quality standards? Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP) certification from the US Food and Drug Administration European Union (EU), Australian (AUS), or Canadian (CFIA) organic certification National Science Foundation (NSF) International certification

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