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Meet your Candidates Pt. I
Posted on October 23, 2014.
The Collierville Independent recently sent questionnaires to the four local candidates seeking Alderman 2 and 4 positions in the Nov. 4 election.
This week’s edition will include responses from incumbent candidate Tom Allen and Greg Cotton. Both men are seeking election to position 4.
Tom Allen
• Age: 79
• Current occupation: Retired
• Education: B.S in Agriculture from Tennessee Tech
• Family: Wife, Getella, two kids and five grandchildren
• Organizations, Groups and Activities: Incumbent alderman, Planning Commission, Park Board, Library Board, Land Use Plan, charter member of the YMCA, charter member of the Lion’s Club, president of the Collierville Republican Club, member of the Arts Council
1. List three significant issues in this election.
Education, safety and water/sewage rates
2. Specifically, how do you plan to deal with each of these issues, if re-elected?
Make sure funds are available and keep rates down.
3. What do you think is the biggest concern facing Collierville at this time, and why?
Funding the schools.
4. What specifically makes you best qualified for the position you are seeking?
Experience and management skills.
From left, Greg Cotton and Alderman Tom Allen are running for Collierville Position 4 in the Nov. 4 election. Both men were recently pictured at the Collierville Chamber of Commerce’s monthly Membership Meeting.
Greg Cotton
• Age: 59
• Current occupation: Founder of Cotton Law Firm and owner of Collierville Title
• Education: 1978 graduate of the University of Alabama and
1981 graduate of Cumberland School of Law
• Family: Wife, Debbie Cotton, four children and four grandchildren
• Organizations, Groups and Activities: Executive Committee/Board of Directors, Collierville Chamber of Commerce; president Touchdown Club of Memphis; Board of Directors, Family Promise; trustee, Second Baptist Church; Collierville Beer Board (four years); Collierville Planning Commission (two years); Board of Directors, Memphis Chapter National Football Foundation College Football Hall of Fame; Certified Rule 31 Mediator in the State of Tennessee
1. List three significant issues in this election.
I believe the three top issues facing Collierville are (1) the newly formed municipal school system; (2) economic growth; and, (3) community safety/infrastructure.
2. Specifically, how do you plan to deal with each of these issues, if elected?
If elected I would direct town efforts to ensure the success of our school system because our school children deserve the best. Success for Collierville also involves attracting new businesses to our town and keeping our existing corporation citizens involved and invested in Collierville.
Safety is among the most important issues because a safe community is a thriving community. Our police and fire departments must have the resources they need to be strong and responsive. Community safety means that attention must be given to infrastructure improvements that will support our town’s growth.
3. What do you think is the biggest concern facing Collierville at this time, and why?
The most pressing issue facing Collierville at this time is the success of our newly formed municipal school system.
The town is becoming the destination for families seeking a quality public education. The school system must be prepared for future growth and funding will be the key.
As our system grows, it will be necessary to build a new high school. It is important that we focus on seeking a solution to the growth of our high school system which provides for a single high school. A single high school is a unifying point for a town. I want our town unified around a single high school.
Hand in hand with the focus on growth of our school system, cutting edge technology must be provided for our students and teachers.
The investments in that technology must be carefully examined to ensure that the investments in that technology will stand the test of time and not quickly become outdated.
4. What specifically makes you best qualified for the position you are seeking?
My motivation to run for the position of Alderman is to help ensure that Collierville develops into the premier place to live in Tennessee.
I am uniquely qualified for the position of Alderman because of my thirty-three (33) years experience as an attorney, mediator and business man, as well as my active involvement on numerous town boards and the Chamber of Commerce.
I am equipped with the skills necessary to be the leader that Collierville needs at this time. I have the ability to motivate people to move forward and achieve a common goal.
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