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The eagle has landed
By Lynn Poore
Collierville’s Mitchell Moore was recently the 63rd young man from Boy Scout Troop 48 to earn the rank of Eagle Scout. Historically, fewer than three percent of Boy Scouts nationwide have achieved Eagle honors.
En route to Eagle rank, Moore earned 24 merit badges, exceeding the 21 required. He cites Lifesaving as his favorite merit badge, in part because his BSA Lifesaving certification helped qualify him for his job at the Collierville YMCA.
Moore also counts camping and backpacking among his favorite scouting activities.
Moore led an Eagle Leadership Service Project that logged 203 volunteer hours. He recruited friends from school and his troop to help construct a handicapped accessible picnic area inside a landscaped area for Faith Presbyterian Church.
Project materials acquired through donations included large landscaping timbers, pressure-treated lumber for three picnic tables, and 10 tons of limestone gravel.
The total cost of the project was approximately $1,000. Moore presented his plan before the church council who were excited to have an area built for church members to gather outdoors.
Moore is a senior at Collierville High School. He participates in his school’s trap shooting team and competitive mountain biking team. Moore is a member of Ducks Unlimited and the president of its CHS Chapter for 2013-14.
In addition to earning the rank of Eagle Scout, Moore has earned gold and silver medals in trap shooting. Moore is a member of the Academic Excellence – CHS Elite Award, the National Beta Club and serves on the Principal’s Student Leadership Council.
Moore’s leadership roles in Troop 48 include two terms as senior patrol leader and two as quartermaster. He recently registered to continue his service as an adult leader of Troop 48.
Continuously chartered since 1929, Troop 48 is one of the oldest Boy Scout troops in Tennessee. The troop holds top-level gold status in the Boy Scouts of America “Journey to Excellence” troop rating program. Troop 48 is chartered by Faith Presbyterian Church in Germantown.
Moore is the son of Barry and Donna Moore of Collierville. His Eagle achievement continues a distinguished family scouting tradition.
His father and uncle, Glenn Moore, are also Troop 48 Eagle Scouts, and his late grandfather, Dr. James Moore, served as “Troop 48 Doctor” for 30 years and as staff doctor at Kia Kima Scout Reservation in the 1960s and 70s.
Last year, Moore’s father received the Silver Beaver Award, the highest honor a local Scout Council can bestow.
Eagle Scout and Collierville resident Mitchell Moore proudly presents his landscaped picnic area and tables to Faith Presbyterian Church.
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