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October 2 Legal Notices
Town of Collierville
Notice is hereby given that the Design Review Commission (DRC) will meet on Thursday, October 10, 2013 at 5:00 pm for the regular scheduled voting meeting in the Board Chambers at Town Hall. At that time, consideration will be given to the following:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Minutes: September 12, 2013
4. Approval of Agenda (additions/deletions)
5. Approval of Consent Agenda
6. Formal Agenda:
A. DRC13-13- The Stables Subdivision – Request approval of landscaping, fencing and entry features related to the common open space for a 182-lot single family residential subdivision totaling 88.431 acres to be located on the south side of Wolf River Blvd., and north of Frank Road.
Applicant/Design Professional: Integrated Land Solutions, PLLC (Cory Brady, RLA)
Property Owner/Developer: Stables Group, LLC (Norman Brown III)
Town of Collierville Project Planner: Sean Isham, AICP
7. Other Business:
A. Overview of preliminary route for the Thursday, October 17, 2013, DRC mobile workshop
B. Status update on Ordinance 2013-01, an Ordinance to amend the Sign Regulations in the Town of Collierville Zoning Ordinance.
C. Report of Pending and Recently-Approved Administrative Site Plans or Final Plats (Non-Voting) – September, 2013
8. Adjournment
Shari Michael,
Administrative Specialist, Sr.
Town of Collierville
Town Owned & Seized Assets
Internet Auction
Wednesday October 2 – Wednesday October 16
Police Vehicles, Seized Vehicles, Heavy Equipment, Lawn Equipment and Miscellaneous Office Items
September 25 Notices
October 16 Legal Notices