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October 16 Legal Notices
The Town of Collierville is accepting applications for Town Boards and Commissions for the year 2014. Any citizen of Collierville interested in serving on any of the following advisory boards or commissions is encouraged to submit an application: Arts Council, Beer Board, Construction Board of Appeals, Design Review Commission, Environmental Commission, Heritage Commission, Historic District Commission, Library Board, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, Pension Committee, Planning Commission, Tourism Advisory Board, Town Beautiful Commission, and Board of Zoning Appeals.
If you are currently serving on a Board/Commission and your term will be expiring in December, it will still be necessary to complete an application form to ensure that the Board of Mayor and Aldermen has complete information from which to review applications.
Applications can be obtained at Town Hall, 500 Poplar View Parkway, or you can go to www.collierville.com and download an application. Please return your application to the Town Clerk at Town Hall. If applications are mailed, please address to: Town Clerk, Town of Collierville, 500 Poplar View Parkway, Collierville, TN 38017.
You will be asked to supply an e-mail address on your application, so that you can be sent a confirmation of receipt of your application. If you do not receive confirmation by e-mail, please call 457-2212 to make sure your application was received.
The Town of Collierville Purchasing Division is requesting sealed bids on the following items:
Complete bid packages are available from the Purchasing Division, 500 Poplar View Parkway, Collierville, TN 38017, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Interested parties may visit the Purchasing Division’s Bid and RFP webpage at http://www.collierville.com/general-services-departments-97/bids-rfps for further solicitation information and to obtain the project’s official bid/RFP distribution form by clicking on the bid/RFP/RFSOQ number. The completed distribution form should be returned by facsimile request at 901-457-2258; or by email to [email protected].
Please Note: As a part of doing business with the Town of Collierville, Tennessee, each individual, company or organization is required to obtain a Vendor Number to reference when requesting a copy of any bid. The Vendor will also be required to reference its Vendor Number on the Bid Response Form.
*The Vendor Number may be obtained by accessing the Town’s vendor registration site and registering as a Town of Collierville vendor at http://tocpurchasing.collierville.com/bso. If you are a registered vendor of the Town of Collierville, but have forgotten or misplaced your vendor number, please visit http://www.collierville.com/general-services-departments-97/bids-rfps and click on the “Vendor Information” link on the right hand side of the page. If you have any questions regarding the Vendor Number, please call the Purchasing Division at (901) 457-2261.
Deadline for sealed bids, submitted to the Purchasing Division, 500 Poplar View Parkway, Collierville, TN 38017, is Thursday, October 31, 2013 2:00:00 p.m. (local time). The bids will then or soon thereafter be publicly opened and read aloud in the Town Board Chambers at 500 Poplar View Parkway, Collierville, Tennessee.
Bid packages must be clearly marked on the outside of the provided opaque Town of Collierville—Official Bid Envelope: TC2013-33 – “PICKUP TRUCKS & SUV”
The Town of Collierville reserves the right to reject any and all bids, accept bids in part or whole, waive defects, informalities or minor irregularities in bids or bid process and to make bid awards, as deemed, to be in its best interest.
During the competitive bid process, Bidders are instructed not to contact the employees of the using departments concerning this Bid Request. The ONLY official position of the Town is that position which is stated in writing and issued by the Purchasing Division. No other means of communication, whether written or oral, shall be construed as a formal or official response statement.
Derek Honeycutt
Director of General Services
October 2 Legal Notices