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Meet your Candidates Pt. II
Posted on October 23, 2014.
The Collierville Independent recently sent questionnaires to the four local candidates seeking Alderman 2 and 4 positions in the Nov. 4 election. This week’s edition will include responses from incumbent candidate Billy Patton and John Stamps. Both men are seeking election to position 2.
Billy Patton
• Age: 44
• Current occupation: Business owner of Patton Computers and Patton CPU Post Office
• Education: Masters and Bachelors Degree in Computer Science Engineering
• Family: Dr. Amy Patton (PharmD) wife of 23 years, two children, Emily (13) and William (11) whom both attend Schilling Middle School
• Organizations, groups and activities:
• Board of Mayor & Aldermen, Library Board (Aldermen Liaison), Alderman Liaison Team member of new Public Communication project, Alderman Liaison of new project for Development/Building Dept. Technology project, also supports Collierville High School athletics, and numerous charities and non-profits.
1. List three significant issues in this election.
Public Safety, schools and infrastructure
2. Specifically, how do you plan to deal with each of these issues, if elected?
We must maintain strong police and fire departments. We must continue hiring only the best and brightest officers with integrity and character. We must make sure that they are adequately funded to protect our neighborhoods and businesses.
Our schools must continue to excel as the leader in this area in education and advancement of our students. We expect higher test scores and we will do whatever is necessary to make sure that our School Board is supported by the town.
Our infrastructure investment needs to continue as we must maintain a reasonable paving schedule each year. Our drainage issues must continue to be addressed as we have older areas of our town that are in need of new upgraded drainage infrastructure.
3. What do you think is the biggest concern facing Collierville at this time, and why?
Finding ways to fund the deferred maintenance and Capital improvements (CIP) of our schools. We must expect that a new high school will be needed soon so we must increase our efforts in Economic Development to offset the tax burden on our residents. We have hired a new Director and we are seeing gains in this area, but we must remain focused on this area.
4. What specifically makes you best qualified for the position you are seeking?
With my background in technology and current track record of being a fiscal conservative, I am prepared to work with the rest of the BMA to tackle the problems I have mentioned above. With my office location, I am one of the most accessible members of the BMA to the residents of Collierville.
The Board of Mayor and Aldermen must remain a diversified board not stacked too heavily in any one occupation or profession. I believe that I will add value as we move forward adopting new technologies for a brighter future of Collierville.
From left, Alderman Billy Patton and John Stamps are running for Collierville Position 2 in the Nov. 4 election. Both men were recently pictured at the Collierville Chamber of Commerce’s monthly Membership Meeting.
John E. Stamps
• Age: 51
• Current occupation: Broker and owner of The Stamps Real Estate Company located on the Historic Town Square
• Education: Graduated from high school in 1981. I attended Memphis State University for two years. Graduate of the Real Estate Institute, Certified Real Estate Broker
• Family: Married to Kathy Steinhaus Stamps for 19 years and have to two incredible children, Brooke (15) and Thomas (11).
• Organizations, groups and activities: National, State and Local Association of Realtors Member; current Memphis Area Association of Realtors Governmental Affairs Chairman and Professional Standards Committee member; Down Syndrome Association Board member and volunteer; Collierville Main Street Board Member; Collierville Planning Commissioner; Collierville Rotary Club member
1. List three significant issues in this election.
1. Smart growth for Collierville moving forward.
2. Ensuring the success of our newly established Municipal School District.
3. Public Safety and infrastructure.
2. Specifically, how do you plan to deal with each of these issues, if elected?
1. I will make good common sense decisions for Collierville. That is imparative to foster the growth.
2. I will work with other members of the board of Mayor and Alderman to be proactive and anticipate the needs of the teachers and students.
3. I will be a good stuart of the tax payers’ dollars and will watch over our city, making sure it remains fiscally strong.
3. What do you think is the biggest concern facing Collierville at this time, and why?
The safety of our residents is always the first concern, but now we have to monitor the growth of our new schools and create a structure for the funding.
4. What specifically makes you best qualified for the position you are seeking?
I graduated from Leadership Collierville in 2004. Since then, I participated on the Leadership Collierville Board for years, Board of Zoning Appeals for five years, Historic Commission for one year, (2012) 2040 Land Use Steering Committee, Main Street Collierville Board for years, and Planning Commission Board for two years.
I feel the last 10 years have given me experience in many different areas of Collierville and prepared me to serve as Alderman in 2015.
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