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Houston leads state in All-West
Posted on January 31, 2014.
The HoustonHigh School band participated in the All-West Tennessee Band and Orchestra auditions Saturday at JacksonCentralMerryHigh School in Jackson, Tenn.
Over 3,000 students were in Jackson that day for auditions. Houston had 93 students named to either an All-West Band, Orchestra or Jazz Ensemble.
This represents the largest number of students from one school in a year to make an All-District ensemble and clinic, statewide. In addition, 25 members of the Houston Band were selected to the Tennessee All-State Band to be held in April.
Houston’s 93 All-West participants will attend the two-day clinic and performance in downtown Memphis this weekend at the MemphisConvention Center and the CannonCenter. The Houston Band leads the state with the most student musicians chosen for any All-District clinic in Tennessee. Additionally, The Houston Band Wind Ensemble was selected through audition to perform at the upcoming Tennessee Music Educators’ Conference in April at the CannonCenter. And, the top two concert ensembles at HoustonHigh School, Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band, will perform on stage in Carnegie Hall, New York City’s most prestigious venue, on the evening of April 13.
Houston High School Band Director Jim Smith has been teaching for over 25 years, most of which have been in ShelbyCounty.
He has a Masters in Music Education from MississippiStateUniversity. Smith has garnered numerous highly notable awards during his teaching career, including Shelby County Teacher of the Year.
Information about the capital campaign supporting this venture can be found at
Photo by Monty Crosby