The Collierville Board of Mayor and Aldermen has approved a residential development agreement for infrastructure work on a 70-lot subdivision south of East Shelby Drive and west of Sycamore Road.
Board members unanimously approved sections C and D of the Hearthstone subdivision during their regularly scheduled meeting Monday night.
The project is located on nearly 38 acres and will include the installation of roads, sidewalks, water, sanitary sewer and stormwater facilities, and streetlights.
The applicant requested that a section of Shelby Drive along the frontage of the property be divided into four-lane road. It is currently a six-lane roadway. It would include a bike lane and a median.
Noting that the road is currently used by around 3,000 vehicles a day, Deputy Town Engineer Jason Walters said four lanes would be enough to accommodate traffic.
“A four-lane road should be more than adequate for quite a few years,” Walters said. “We do have the right-of-way so that if, way off in the future, those interior lanes need to be built we could do that.”
The project’s tree plan states that 179 trees will be removed from the property, which will require that 60 mitigation trees and 19 street trees be planted to comply with the town’s Tree Mitigation and Fence Plan.
Noting that the project is one of the final pieces of the Hearthstone subdivision, Town Administrator James Lewellen said the property was difficult to develop.
“(The property) came with an inordinate amount of work left to do in order to bring in those lots,” he said. “We pushed for both sections to be brought in at the same time because, with one section developed, then if the economy went bad again we’d have a remaining few lots that would probably never be developed.”
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Board members also awarded the annual street repaving contract to Standard Construction. Director of Public Services Bill Kilp said the contract includes 31 miles of laned roads on 38 streets.
“This is the most paving work we’ve done in several years,” he recalled.