The Board of Mayor and Aldermen unanimously approved an ordinance Monday night that will rezone more than 38 acres of property at the southeast corner of E. Shelby Drive and Fleming Road from Forest Agriculture Residential to Low Density Residential.
Minutes later, board members voted 4-2 to allow the construction of 74 single-family houses on the property. Aldermen Tom Allen and Billy Patton voted against the resolution, which will commence the Magnolia Preserve Planned Development.
The minimum lot size for the development is 14,200 square feet, with the minimum lot width being 80 feet.
The development will feature 3.7 acres of common open space and, a community pool, perimeter landscaping, an entry park, a pond with a fountain and a dry pond. Two ponds will also be surrounded by pedestrian trails.
In other news:
• Board members approved a $259,800 transfer from the town’s General Fund to Collierville Schools in order to renovate the Collierville High School track, which is actually located at Collierville Elementary School.
The money being transfered is generated from the half-cent sales tax revenue.
• Board members also approved the purchase of 228 additional 96-gallon recycling carts for the town’s Curbside Recycle Collection Program.
To date, the town’s Sanitation Department has delivered more than 11,000 recycle carts and continues to deliver around 10 carts a week. At the current rate of delivery, the town will be out of carts by June, according to Director of Public Services Bill Kilp. Collierville’s recycle participation rate is currently at 74 percent.
The Sanitation Department has purchased 378 carts already this year for $18,847. The 228 additional carts will cost $11,956.